Funda para iPhone 13 Pro - Estampado de leopardo

$ 2.40 USD
4 en stock
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La funda para iPhone con estampado de leopardo ya está disponible para su compra. La carcasa tiene un diseño de disipación de calor, un grosor de alrededor de 2,0 mm y orificios para cuerdas en la parte inferior de cada caja. Cada funda para iPhone presenta una elegante carcasa hecha de materiales que le dan una apariencia sofisticada. El diseño elegante y exquisito irradia una personalidad y una calidad verdaderamente fantásticas de las que nunca se arrepentirá.

Modelos de iPhone compatibles: iPhone 13 Pro

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Yanna Carpenter

Very protective and very supportive case. My phone has coupled to the point where I thought my screen protector had cracked. Saved by the case. Also, very attractive. Catches a lot of attention.


I really like the feeling of this case. As being as though I prefer bigger phones over smaller phones, this case provides that feeling for me! It doesn’t begin to irritate my finger when they are placed at the bottom part of the case like other cases do. Recommend!

Charlie V

This case turned out to be the best phone case I’ve ever had. It’s very solid, not heavy. thick frame, so the phone is very protected. I’ve dropped my phone quite a few times, and it hasn’t broken or cracked. easy to hold. Also, I received a lot of compliments from men and women about my appearance and weight. Except for a few marks on the side caused by a child, this case has survived the storm and returned! Highly Recommend!

Ada Gram
Perfect ♡

Most of my work is done on my phone and my clients compliment my case most when I have one from this. Not only are they stylish but they also fit nicely in my hand. I like the shape for when I’m feeling for my phone in my bag or in the dark and its texture is unique. I’ve dropped it so many times & the impact durability is unparalleled.