Recambio para cuaderno de viajero - Cuadrícula

$ 1.00 USD
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4 formatos diferentes de cuadernos para todo tipo de necesidades. Estos cuadernos son perfectos para tomar notas, llevar viñetas y diarios.
Tamaño: 110X210mm
Peso: 100g

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Similar to my review of the ruled version, I counted 32 pages (so 64 in total when considering front and back) and this notebook is held together by 2 staples. I haven't written in this notebook yet so I cannot speak on that experience, but I included a photo of the notebook opened up so you can see the its ability to lay flat. Once closing the notebook after flattening it out, I noticed the pages weren't remaining flat so I used a clip to keep the pages down.