Kuretake ZIG Brushables Pinselstift - 6 helle Farben im Set

$ 18.60 USD
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Das Kuretake ZIG Brushables Brush Pen Set enthält sechs Pigmentpinsel auf Wasserbasis. Zu seinen besonderen Merkmalen gehören lichtechte und säurefreie Tinte und Marker mit Doppelspitze, die in der Farbe ähnlich sind, aber auf unterschiedliche Weise dunkel und hell sind. Es hat einen angenehmen Pinselstrich, der auf jedem Papier verwendet werden kann. Das gesamte Set ist ideal zum Erstellen von Karten, Beschriftungen und Scrapbooking.

Bitte bedenke:
Setzen Sie es nicht direkter Sonneneinstrahlung oder hohen Temperaturen aus.
Nach Gebrauch die Kappe wieder fest aufsetzen.
Alle Pigmentmarker sollten liegend gelagert werden. Bei falscher Lagerung trocknet eine der Spitzen aus und wird unbrauchbar.

Farben: Orange 052, Lila 081, Grün 047, Blau 301, Rot 025, Braun 065

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

About to be my favorite for hand lettering .. which is bad for my pocket lol


O-M-G! As a person who loves bright colors, the Kuretake ZIG Brushables Brush Pen - 6 Color Bright Set is perfect for me and for those bright color lovers. I often use this to create art, lettering, calligraphs, highlighting important information - and I am so glad that this product exist because it has the quality of perfection.

Aiden Warrior
Gorgeous brush pens

I am a calligraphist, I can vouch how good these brush pens are and geez, take note the pens are water-based that is advantageous to journal lovers! Splendid quality that is worth the purchase and something that is very promising to a great art! Love this!

Ivy Stewards

Can I just say how cute brilliant this brush pens are? The Kuretake ZIG Brushables Brush Pen Set includes six pigment brush pens that are water-based carrying a quality that no other pens can. Vibrant and admirable in the eyes. If I were you, I'm going to buy this product immediately.


I'm just starting calligraphy and scrapbooking and saw this was recommended! At first, I was skeptic if I should buy one. Good thing I did cause the quality did not disappoint. They are spectacular for adding colorful accents to cards, coloring books, modern calligraphy, journaling, rubber stamps, and scrapbooks especially for those who are just starting to do calligraphy. I recommend this product!