Minimalistisches Federmäppchen - Rosa

$ 0.90 USD
7 auf Lager
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Ich stelle Ihnen das minimalistische Federmäppchen vor. Es ist aus erstklassigem, robustem und sturzsicherem Material gefertigt. Der Innenraum ist in drei Teile unterteilt: Er dient zur Aufbewahrung und Organisation von Schreibwaren wie Stiften, Bleistiften, Gelschreibern, Markern, Radiergummis, Scheren und Zirkeln. Es kann sehr befriedigend sein, das Federmäppchen selbst zu gestalten und nach Ihren Wünschen anzupassen. Es ist absolut alltagstauglich und sorgt dank seiner intelligenten Kapazität für Ordnung.

Größe: 205 mm x 90 mm x 30 mm / 8 Zoll x 3,5 Zoll x 1,2 Zoll

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

Perfect color, and fits everything I need

Su Palmer

Nicely compact and because it doesn't expand like a fabric case it forces me to only pack the essentials! Not small by any means and it holds plenty. Nice quality rigid plastic which is streamlined and fits easily into your bag and the compartments keep the contents tidy. A bit tricky to open until you get used to it, that's the only negative comment I have! Would buy again or as a gift for a student as you can decorate it easily with stickers etc.

Saima Zia

This stuff was amazing recommended

Cat Marsh

I hate using canvas pouches or other rough, scratchy fabrics, so a smooth plastic case is ideal. It has spaces for clips or erasers in addition to the section for pens, so your things will stay organized.

Pleased! ♡

Elated to purchase something that keeps me tidy and organize. More so, something simple but trendy! I love the divider's purpose - really great one. I love the color too, and it's light and durable. Aesthetically pleasing to be honest!