Sun-Star Stickyle-Schere - Kompakte Ausführung - Blau x Beige

$ 7.90 USD Ausverkauft
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Mit ihrem praktischen Stiftdesign und der Kappe sind diese Sun-Star Stickyle-Stiftscheren ein praktisches Werkzeug, das Sie überallhin mitnehmen können! Diese kompakten Scheren mit cleverer Kappe passen perfekt in ein Stiftetui, eine Handtasche oder sogar eine Kosmetiktasche, sodass Sie immer eine Schere zur Hand haben. Nehmen Sie die Kappe ab und die Schere öffnet sich dank der gefederten Griffe automatisch. Die Schere ist so konzipiert, dass sie sich in einem Winkel öffnet, der eine bequeme und einfache Handhabung gewährleistet. Eine kleine Erhöhung an der Kappe verhindert, dass sie wegrollt.

Klingenlänge: 30 mm
Klingenmaterial: Metall
Eigenschaften: Kompakt
Grifffarbe: Blau x Beige
Griffmaterial: Kunststoff
Größe - Länge: 109 mm / 4,3 Zoll
Größe - Breite: 12,6 mm / 0,5 Zoll

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Corta muy bien y es fácil de guardar

This item is great!

All in all great product, since they are smaller they aren’t great for big things to cut but it is safe and can be carried anywhere. The color is very pretty too! With this, I don't even have to worry about losing the cap. It literally shrinks half the length when pushed it, so it's very compact and can be stored SAFE.

Matthew Garfield
Progressively helpful!

I bought this item on a whim based on an influencer from a social media platform. Best purchase so far! It’s so handy and so easy to use. It takes up as much space as a pen. I’ve used it more times than I thought I would. At first I thought it was just a cool thing to have “just in case” and now I’m glad I have it and would most definitely purchase again if I had too. I also think it’s a lot safer to carry than a regular small scissors because it has a cover and to use the scissors you need to click up which means it doesn’t pop open suddenly when the cover is removed! That’s super helpful especially with little kids around.


I was looking for a mini scissor to put in a pencil case and this totally fits the bill. Not only are the sharp blades protected by a cover, it cuts nicely. I love this scissor. I have another pair, one in my travel bag. They are super sharp and the cover and compact makes them easy to travel with or store.

Ashley Gretel

It is very portable. Compared to the normal size, it is not as comfortable to use and I'm thinking of getting a second one because it's so handy. It saves space too so it is really convenient for many people. I like that it is compact like a pen. The match of the colors are appealing too!