Zebra Sarasa Clip-Gelstift in limitierter Auflage – Petit Trip-Serie – 0,5 mm – Milchviolett

$ 2.50 USD
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Wir präsentieren den Zebra Sarasa Limited Edition Clip Gel Pen mit Petit Trip-Serie. „Reisebegleiter“ ist das zentrale Thema der Kollektion. Auf jedem Stiftkörper sind aufregende Bilder von Solo-Camping, Kraftorten, Gourmet-Essen, heißen Quellen und Outdoor-Events abgebildet. Illustrator YOKOIEMI hat das Design des Stiftkörpers entworfen. Jede wasserbasierte Pigmenttintenfarbe ist schnelltrocknend und wasserbeständig. Und da Tinte und Stiftkörper die gleiche Farbe haben, müssen Sie sich keine Sorgen machen, die falsche Tinte zu wählen.

Feder: 0,5 mm
Länge: 140 mm
Tintenfarbe: Milchviolett

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Gracefully satisfied! 💯

I believe I just found my new favorite! The thing is, all my top ten are mostly from Zebra Sarasa. So, this Limited Edition Clip Gel Pen - Petit Trip Series - 0.5 mm - Milk Purple is my top 3 favorite! The ink color is so beautiful, the pen itself is comfy, durable, and pretty. I love everything about this product, specially the color is pleasing.

Azierra Rabbi

The concept of the pen is superb! I always use this pen when I am writing about my glorious days. The ink is on fleek, quick-drying that can be tapped with highlighter when needed, and well, the company exceeded my expectations! Thank you, cheers for more! 💜

Halsey Merit
At its peak! 💜

The color of the pen's body and ink is gracefully conceptualized! Yet, it's Zebra Sarasa! I knew it's going to be a great product.

Raven Sy
This is extra fine! 💜

HOLY I AM OBSESSED WITH THE COLOR AND ITS INK! AHHHHH! Thank you Stationery Pal and Zebra Sarasa for this outstanding product. The characteristics feature jaw dropping experience while writing with this pen. I couldn't be more hypnotized with the ink's beauty!