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Stationery PalStationery Pal
🎂April 2022 Cute Title Ideas + Banner Ideas + Dividers

🎂April 2022 Cute Title Ideas + Banner Ideas + Dividers

It suddenly rained heavily in April. The weather, which had been getting warmer, suddenly became cold! I unfolded my jacket and put it on. The unexpected rain disrupted my plans to go out, so I sat by the window and made myself a cup of hot tea. The heat of the tea caused a thin layer of mist on the window. At this moment, I listened to the rain, smelled the tea, and looked through the window at this hazy world! I can not help but feel a lot of emotion. Things in the world does not change by subjective will, perhaps the spring rain has an more important role to play than my need to go out. After adjusting my mood, I thought of you, so I took out my journal and pens and made some titles, bannders and dividers. I hope you will like them!
It occurred to me that there's another very important event in April, and that is Stationery Pal's birthday! We've got a lot of great deals and events for our supporters and customers for this anniversary celebration! Be sure to follow us for the latest news!





Washi Tapes:





Wreaths & Headers:


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