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5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018

5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018

Bujo is short for bullet journal, it was first introduced by a Brooklyn artistic director Ryder Carroll as a simple and highly efficient way to plan, record and conclude your life with pens and papers. Starting with the bujo, the fabulous tutorials and calligraphy on Pinterest and Instagram attracted many beginners. But they ended up failing to keep Bujo as a habit because of starting in a wrong way and lack of perseverance. Here are five tips for Bujo beginners:

1. Think it through before you start

Stationery Pal 5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018 Think it through before you start

    You can ask yourself the following questions before starting your bujo.

    • Why am I making this Bujo?
    • What are the minimum items I need to do to build this bujo?
    • What do I want to get from this Bujo?

    Whatever the reason it is, you should think it through before you start. A useful Bujo should be able to clear up your mind by putting the things in your head into a written form, and it should be a great tool to make plans and decisions, to track and record life.

    2. Keep it simple

    Stationery Pal 5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018 Keep it simple

    You should keep your bujo simple as a starter. Adopting too many different systems and making a massive number of charts, trackers and drawings will make you mentally and physically fatigued. 

    Making plans could be a good start for your bujo; you don't need to make a plan for too far in the future such as a grand plan of your life. What you need is to focus on planning the next 30 days, execute the plans and record the results.

    3. Perseverance and improvement

    Stationery Pal 5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018 Perseverance and improvement

    Perseverance is the key, and it takes a lot of self-motivation. What you can do is to set a specific time on your weekly schedule just for bujo. It can be an hour on Sunday night before you go to bed, you can take the time to make a conclusion of the last week and plan for next week. 

    Identifying the inefficient systems you have adopted will improve your bujo. By leaving the unuseful systems, you will enhance your bujo step by step.

    4. Making it fun

    Stationery Pal 5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018 Making it fun

    The right amount of drawing could be a great way to make your bujo journaling a fun thing to do. You can set different themes for each month, put stickers and paint on it. 

    You can give yourself some rewards when you are keeping the bujo habit, making and executing grand plans and tracking your life nicely. There are tons of nice-looking and useful pens, stickers, and notebooks selling on the internet. As rewards, you can get some and make bullet journaling even more colorful. Wouldn't it be fun?

    5. Don't be original

    Stationery Pal 5 Best Tips for Bullet Journal Beginner 2018 Don't be original

    You may have seen thousands of bujo trackers or logs, many of them are truly inspiring and creative such as the mood tracker and the seasonal bucket list. These creations were not from beginners but users with years of adopting the habit of bullet journaling.

    It might be stocking that we are asking you not to be creative, but that's excellent advice for beginners. The nowadays bujo system is very mature and has been proven to be very useful for many people. All you should do is to choose the ones that are already existed and follow it as an amateur.


    Bullet journal is supposed to help you in life and be an enjoyable thing to do in the meanwhile. What about you? What do you suggest? Leave the comments on below.



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