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How to Dutch Door—Create your own Dutch Doors

How to Dutch Door—Create your own Dutch Doors

After knowing what dutch door is, have you used it in your Bullet Journal? Or maybe you don't know how to do it yet. Don't worry, this blog will guide you how to create your Dutch Doors.

cr: mayo.bujo

How to make a Dutch Doors?

One:Think clearly about the functions you want the Dutch Doors to achieve.

In general, the existence of the Bullet Journal is for you to better record your life and plan your works. A Dutch door is a special part of Bujo, although sometimes for aesthetics,  you also need to decide on what your Dutch Doors are going to work for you – are you going to use them to do daily journaling, track your time, or to list your task? 

cr: bujo.with.gigi
Determining your goals is the most important thing before you start.

Two:The tools you need.

  • PENCIL-It is very important for the design of the Dutch door, you need to make a draft, whether it is a lattice design or a drawing


Three: Some tips you need to follow

Maybe you were like me, are very scared to tailor your bujo at first. But in fact, you don't need to worry, bujo is a space where you can do whatever you like, and any inspiration and ideas in life can be added. I will give you some tips on making a Dutch Door.

cr: rozmakesplans

Tips one: Be careful with the Knife

You need to be careful when using scissors or a carving knife. For example, don’t cut to the gutter when cutting vertically, otherwise the whole book will easily fall apart.


Tips two: Don't cut too much paper on the same page

If you cut too much paper on the same page, the remaining paper will be shaky. There is a possibility that the dutch door you made will fall off.  

cr: plansthatblossom

Tips three: The part planned to be cut should be different

When you want to cut horizontally for your dutch door, such as making a weekly plan page, you need to cut a different place at different time. Cut the upper part this month, and the lower part later in the next month.



Tips four: Develop your thinking and flexible use of various functions
  • You can hide things you don’t want others to see, fold them or stick them with paper tape.
  • When you set up your new year plan, you might create a future log , reading tracker, viewing tracker pages and so on. You may feel that two sides are not enough, use Dutch Doors to share the title and expand the space.


Dutch door is a very amazing and clever design that can be used in your Bullet Journal, it has far more functions than what I have introduced.

Quickly apply this design to your own bullet journal and make it more surprising!

 Author: Sherry

1 comment on How to Dutch Door—Create your own Dutch Doors
  • Irma Cervantes
    Irma Cervantes

    Estoy siguiendo a Olga, y por el video que público llegue a su página su blok me esta dando ideas muchas gracias.
    Tienen tienda física. Cuanto cobran por envió yo vivo en el Estado de México. Tienen distribuidores en Ciudad de Mexico

    November 12, 2020
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