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How to review my 2021?

How to review my 2021?

January is the start of a new year and everyone is excited to set new goals for the new year, but few people have talked to you about how you should look back on your 2021. If we don't look back at our performance over the past year, we can't conclude what we did that helped us grow and what set us back. Whether your past year was filled with stress and uncertainty and no progress or was filled with success, it's worth taking the time to do a personal annual review.

We believe there are four main steps to a good review:

1. Reviewing the goals

You should first ask yourself three questions: What were my goals for 2021? Why did I set these goals? Were these goals reasonable? The purpose of these three questions was to recall the original goals of 2021.

2. Evaluating the results

Now that we are clear about our goals, the next step is to assess what I have accomplished this year? What is left to be done? You can list all the things you have accomplished and it would be ideal if what you have accomplished can be quantifiable. For example, the number of books you have read, the number of followers you have grown on social media, your turnover and etc.
You'll also want to list the uncompleted goals so that we can analyze them in the next step.

3. Analyzing

Once we understand what we have accomplished and what we haven't, we can analyze them from both subjective and objective perspectives. It is worth mentioning that we should focus more on the subjective perspective because we usually have more control. The first thing to do is to reflect on ourselves, to think about whether we are doing things and thinking in the right way, whether we are acting with the right attitude. By analyzing from both perspectives, we should be able to find insights into the result

4. Summarizing the pattern

After the analysis, we need to summarize our experiences and patterns, find ways to replicate the successful experience, and put them into action immediately. By reviewing the successful experience, we can replicate the successes, and by reviewing the failures, we can avoid repeating the mistakes.

The purpose of our review is to understand how many goals we accomplished and whether the methods we developed were effective. What worked will then continue to be replicated this year, and what didn't work will be discarded or improved so that we can accomplish our goals more effectively this year. It is difficult for a person to grow from past experiences without reflecting and summarizing, but please remember that the reason for us to review is not to criticize ourselves. Quite the contrary, our purpose is to analyze and find breakthroughs to improve ourselves.

We sincerely hope you will learn from this blog how to review your year and start practicing from this year onwards. 

4 comments on How to review my 2021?
  • pearl

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    January 12, 2022
  • Lolipop

    Thank you Stationery Pal!

    January 12, 2022
  • Marian

    Me gustaria que el blog estuviese también en castellano



    January 10, 2022
  • Raniya Mirfa
    Raniya Mirfa

    Thank you stationary pal☺️

    January 10, 2022
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