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Stationery PalStationery Pal
Stationery Pal 4th Anniversary Custom-Made Souvenirs🏆

Stationery Pal 4th Anniversary Custom-Made Souvenirs🏆

🥂To celebrate the 4th Anniversary, we have custom-made four special souvenirs for you. These souvenirs are in the shape of CDs, airline tickets and display plates, which can be kept for a long time and are very commemorative. We hope every stationery lover to keep such a meaningful day in their memory.

Want to get these four super memorable souvenirs? Between April 9 and April 11, 2022, the first 100 customers everyday will receive one of these souvenirs at random!!🍰

Stationery Pal SouvenirsStationery Pal SouvenirsStationery Pal SouvenirsStationery Pal SouvenirsStationery Pal SouvenirsStationery Pal Souvenirs

Do let us know which one is your favorite!❤️


2 comments on Stationery Pal 4th Anniversary Custom-Made Souvenirs🏆
  • Noelly Gamez
    Noelly Gamez

    Love your channel hopfully i get one!

    April 17, 2022
  • Noelly Gamez
    Noelly Gamez

    I found your youtube channel back in 2020 and ever since then i love watching your vids,hopefully i win!

    April 17, 2022
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