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Stationery PalStationery Pal
Temporary Increase on Shipping Rates During the COVID-19 Period - Starting 02 April 2020

Temporary Increase on Shipping Rates During the COVID-19 Period - Starting 02 April 2020

Dear Pal,
Given the coronavirus situation, so many flights were cancelled, and many warehouses were shut down at the moment. This situation has affected Stationery Pal so severely as well as many other businesses. We have lost so many chances to serve stationery lovers around the world. For example, we were not able to ship to Italy and India since 15 March 2020 because of the global supply chain has been dramatically interrupted under the current circumstance.
Due to the massive flights' cancellation, our logistics partner has increased the shipping rate on us several times since Mid February to book the minimal available flights. We had not imposed any extra cost on our customers to make sure all of you have an outstanding shopping experience with us even during these exceptional times.
However, we got another increase notice yesterday, and it will be effected on 01 April 2020. Honestly, this is very frustrating news since the rate has been doubled at this point. 
We have no choice but to pay the extremely high price on logistics to make sure your package reaches you on time. Stationery Pal decided to bear the majority of the extra shipping cost, and our customers will share a small remaining part, which will result in an increase of 5% - 30% depending on the countries starting 02 April 2020.
We do think this is trying time, and we hope we can be kind, spread love, and support each other. We promise that the shipping rate will resume to normal once we get through the difficult times, and we hope we have your understanding.
Please stay tuned to our Instagram and website. We will release a public announcement once the shipping rate resumes to normal.
We hope you all stay safe and healthy!
Stationery Pal
31 March 2020
7 comments on Temporary Increase on Shipping Rates During the COVID-19 Period - Starting 02 April 2020
  • Dulce Andrade
    Dulce Andrade

    I can understand this situation but they are trying to charge me 50 dollars just for shipping, in fact it is more than the order I want to make

    July 04, 2021
  • Wahiba

    Does this mean orders will be delayed?

    July 04, 2021
  • Mei Zheng
    Mei Zheng

    Hello I’m Mei Zheng, I love your products and your prices are amazing. I think I’ve probably spent $200 dollars at your website in the past year. I was about to place another order and the total was $55 and the shipping ended up being $43. I understand that you’re trying to get your products out on time and shipping is super expensive during this time. I just wanted to know, when will shipping return to normal?

    July 04, 2021

    yo quiero comprar en su plataforma pero me preocupa el contagio de COVID-19 ¿que medidas toman para evitar que sus productos sean un foco de infeccion?

    July 04, 2021
  • Ikram

    I just want to ask if there is a possibility to ship to morocco wether now or after the pendemic

    July 04, 2021
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