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🎈84 Ways to Decorate Your Days of the Week 2022

🎈84 Ways to Decorate Your Days of the Week 2022

Whenever you are working on your bullet journal, you always trying to find a creative way to decorate your days of the week. It would be a bit too boring if the style of every week is similar and we totally understand that sometimes you really can't come up with a new style. 😎Today we've got 12 styles for each day from Sunday to Saturday, for a total of 84 different ways to create the the days of week to ensure that is never the same. We hope you'll find it useful!

Sunday (First day of the week or last?)🤔

Sunday Deco

Monday (🐻Every Monday is a Fresh Start!)

Monday Deco

Tuesday (⚔️Named after the Norse god Tiw)

Wednesday Deco

Wednesday (Hump Day🐫)

Wednesday Deco

Thursday (Named after the Norse god Thor⚒️)

Thursday Deco

Friday (Time for drink?🥂)

Friday Deco

Saturday (Roman and Italic god of agriculture🌱)

Saturday Deco

These 84 ways can match any color you like, learning these will ensure that your decor will never be repetitive again! Have you learned them yet? Try using them today!🐾

3 comments on 🎈84 Ways to Decorate Your Days of the Week 2022
  • Lilyona

    this is a very nice thing of you guys to do, I think its very helpful for me and other bullet journal people thank you so much for the ideas i will be using them anglian thank you!! <3

    February 07, 2022
  • reddy Nikki
    reddy Nikki

    I would surely want mu 2022 to be awesome and cant wait to start writing my journal .But right at the moment I couldn’t afford the materials to start with it but hopefully soon excited for new arrivals in stationary pal. Loving the new arrivals on the online forum.

    February 07, 2022
  • Susan Hodel
    Susan Hodel

    Thanks for all the great inspiration.

    February 07, 2022
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