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What stationery should you have to start your bullet journal?

What stationery should you have to start your bullet journal?

Every professional requires the right tools to execute their job with perfection. The tools not only aid successfully carrying out the job, but it can also help them do better at it. Bujo beginners require their stationeries to take notes, organize daily life, track items and express themselves. A bujo beginners without her stationeries is like a pianist without her piano or a filmmaker without her camera. The right tools help bring out the best in you and encourages your creativity.

To begin with, the selection of the right tools is of utmost importance. Here is a list of you will need to start your bujo journey:


Every bujo lover needs a set of reliable pens. Different pens are used for different purposes. If you’re looking to paint, you will need a brush pen. Brush pens offer ease and convenience. They are frequently used as it is much easier to fill these up with the desired colors, which is far more desirable than constantly dipping brushes in the paint. For calligraphy, fountain pens work best. They work on the capillary action instead of friction. Gel pens and colored marker pens also serve the artist in creating beautiful art. They can be used for various purposes including shading, coloring as well as drawing. These tools are easy to use, inexpensive, and are easily accessible.

Pen collection:


It is not possible for anyone to not make mistakes while drawing. Eraser is, thus of great importance. If you want to rub out errors or to start over, a white eraser is ideal for that purpose. However, if small areas require erasing, a kneaded eraser is preferable over white erasers that may leave traces as well as small crumbs behind. Kneaded erasers are soft, malleable blobs that can be shaped into different shapes. They can also be used to create light shading.

Notebooks and journals

A surface is required on which you can create your own bujo. However, the surface, you choose to work on depends on the kind of art you want to create. A notebook with good paper quality does the job. Journals are also pivotal to this cause to keep track of one's work. Bullet Journaling is a great way to keep track of your work. It helps keep track of the past work and offers to organize the presentation. It also allows you to plan for the future. Washi tapes, sticky notes, highlighters can be used to highlight and emphasize on the important details.

Paper Collection:


A massive collection of different paints is not required. This holds for watercolors, oil paints as well as acrylics. Mixing of primary colors allows artists to make different colors. All you need are the primary colors, including red, blue, brown, and yellow paints. A few other shades such as new gamboge, cadmium red, phthalo green, phthalo blue, alizarin crimson and burnt umber can also be used and mixed to make versatile hues. Watercolor palettes provide a convenient way to paint.

Stationary Bags

Stationary bags are vital to carrying around stationary. The stationery items are small and can easily be misplaced. To solve this problem and to organize your art tools, getting a bag is the best way to go about it.

Different brands offer quality stationery items that can help you create art and provide the promised results. Low-quality stationery items are not reliable and tend to get damaged easily. So if you are looking to get stationery items that will last you should look into getting these from brands such as Zebra, Pilot, Muji, Tombow. The quality is undeniably tremendous and they come in cute packaging.

Cases and Bags

These are all the stationeries you should have to start bullet journaling. So if you're considering setting out on your journey, these are the tools you must get your hands on.

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